How to get to Nepal Himalayas?
There are various ways to get to Nepal Himalayan country. Kathmandu is the capital city of Nepal and the people of Nepal are very friendly. Read the history of Nepal, and its language and get well knowledge by reading Nepal facts.
Google to find a Nepal map and sketch on paper for your travel destination in your own style. Compare prices and reviews before booking Nepal tourism package for your trip to the Himalayas. You can either drive or fly to get to Nepal.
Basically, you can get Nepal by choosing the following options:
Getting Nepal by Airway :
Nepal Airlines is the national flag carrier of Nepal with flights to/from Delhi, Dubai, Doha, Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Kuala Lumpur. Other international airlines operating from/ to Kathmandu, are Air Arabia (Sharjah), and Air China (Lhasa). Likewise, Biman Bangladesh, (Dhaka), Buddha Air (Paro), Dragon Air (Hong Kong), Druk Air, Etihad Airways, and Fly Dubai (Dubai).
Besides that, Korean Air (Seoul), Oman Air (Muscat), Pakistan International Airlines (Karachi, Islamabad), Qatar Airways (Doha), Silk Air (Singapore), Thai Airways (Bangkok), and United Airways (Dhaka). Airfares fluctuate with the changes in exchange rates and the need to pay in foreign currency.
In addition, Nepalese and Indian nationals can pay in rupees for air passage between Nepal and India. No need to reconfirm air tickets if you are traveling with E-tickets. Overweight luggage charges are levied in foreign exchange.
Get nepal by overland:
All visitors coming to Nepal using land must enter only through one of these entry points. They are (1) Kakarbhitta (2) Birgunj (3) Belhiya, Bhairahawa (4) Nepalgunj (5) Dhangadi, and (6) Mahendranagar on the Nepal-India border, and (7) Kodari on the Nepal-China border. Overland tourists entering the country with their vehicles must possess an international carnet or complete customs formalities.
What about customs clearance?
All baggage must clear through customs on arrival at the port of entry. Passengers arriving at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) without any dutiable goods can proceed through the Green Channel for quick clearance without a baggage check. If you are carrying dutiable articles, you have to pass through the Red Channel for detailed customs clearance.
The duty fee import?
Apart from used personal belongings, visitors allow bringing to Nepal free of duty cigarettes (200), and distilled liquor (one 1.15 liter bottle). Following duty-free articles on the condition that you take them out with you when you leave. They are binoculars, movie or video cameras, still cameras, laptop computers, and portable music systems.
Duty free export?
It is illegal to export objects over 100 years old (sacred images, paintings, manuscripts). They are valued for cultural and religious reasons. Visitors are advised not to purchase such items as they are Nepal’s cultural heritage and belong here. Department of Archaeology at Ram shah path (near Singha Durbar) has to certify all metal statues, holy paintings, and similar objects before they are allowed to send or carried out of the country. Handicraft dealers and travel agents are able to assist you in this process.
Notice for the travelers.
The new Airport Tax is equally applicable to Nepalese as well as non-Nepalese citizens flying from Nepal.
With overland road travel.
All visitors entering Nepal by land must use no other entry points.
Boarder between India to Nepal
* Kakarbhitta * Birgunj * Belhiya, Bhairahawa * Nepalgunj * Dhangadi * Mahendra Nagar.
China to Nepal border
* Kodari & Kerung: The overland tourists entering Nepal with their vehicles must possess an international carnet.